Information on the No's In my Contract

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Information on the No's In My Contract

Explanations of NO(s)/NOT(s) within our Contract


LYME VACCINE:  Where we live we have ticks they are a issue evening with our use of frontline and yard treatment.  So why not give the vaccine to prevent it.  Well after talking with my vet and reading online I decided it was not worth the addition risk. 

Things to know:     

  • Once vaccinated the dog will always test positive for Lyme (meaning you will not know if it is the vaccine or a vaccine failure to protect
  • The vaccine isn’t 100%
  • Vaccine reactions such as neurologic defects and autoimmune disorders caused by the vaccine

     For more information go to  or search for yourself.

FLU VACCINE:  The risk is low,  exposure is limited and treatment is mild so why expose your pets to another vaccine with added chemicals that can cause adverse reactions when it isn’t needed.

     For more information go to

LEPTOSPIROSIS VACCINE:  The risk is too low, why expose your pets to another vaccine with added chemicals that can cause adverse reactions when it isn’t needed.  This vaccine has been known to be deadly especially in small breeds. 

     For more information go to  Updated link:

CORONAVIRUS VACCINE:  The risk is too low, why expose your pets to another vaccine with added chemicals that can cause adverse reactions when it isn’t needed.  This vaccine has been known to be deadly especially in small breeds.

    Many resources have been pulled with COVID-19 and confusion between the human and canine vaccines.  I have seen & read about many adverse reactions for our canine family members and the canine coronavirus vaccine.  Small dogs often have a higher rate of reaction.  
    I recently found this article that I think explains things fairly well.

MULTIPLE PREVENTATIVES:  I have had my own demons with these products, but I feel that using others examples is better and causes me less stress.  It is better to use single type preventatives for flea/tick and heartworm.

PRONG OR SHOCK COLLARS:  We recommend only using a harness for Pomeranians or any small breed.  It takes most of the pressure off of the throat.  Prong or shock collars are just overkill for a dog of this size.  If you have major problems ask me I am sure I can find a way to help you.  If I can’t someone I know surely will.

LIVE CONFINED TO A GARAGE OR BASEMENT:  Why did you get a dog, if it isn’t going to live with you and be with you for a very long time.  Just don’t do it!  Dogs are pack animals they need to be with their pack to be happy and fulfilled.

LEFT UNATTENDED OUTSIDE WHEN NOBODY'S AT HOME:  You can apply common sense to this, but honestly it just isn’t safe.  All dogs need to be slightly monitored when outside even in a known safe yard.  Pomeranians are small so this is even more significant.  I don’t mean that you have to be outside with them at all time, but that isn’t a bad idea in some instances.  Just be mindful of possible threats such as birds of prey, theft, heat, cold, over exertion… will know your dog better than anyone so listen to your gut.  It is rarely wrong.